пятница, 27 января 2017 г.

5 on the streets: April Fools

Have you ever been cheated on April 1st? Ung.no has asked 5 on the street about what their best and worst April Fool experiences. Read - and share your best April Fools here!

Jacob, youth journalist Blogger

1. Have you ever been cheated on April 1st?

2. What is the best April Fools' Day you have experienced?

Simon (16)

Simon (16)

1. Yes.
2. When my friend gave me a Dots filled with toothpaste and their male ingredients ...

Mia (16)

Mia (16)
1. Yes, I have.
2. It was when we were at mum's then-girlfriend who lived in the countryside, on a farm. Suddenly the phone rang, and it was his brother's girlfriend mom who called, but he said he was sheriff of the village. He told that there had been an avalanche on the main road in the village, which had destroyed water system. He said there was a huge leak, and that we had to evacuate as soon as possible in that we lived so far down relative to the main road. We packed bags and trash with us all our things and put us in the car. After we drove a while without really thinking about, we received a call from "sheriff" who said the word aprilsnarr.

Aurora (16)

Aurora (16)
1. Yes.
2. When my best friend said she was moving about one week. Then I kjempelei me, and I was about to start crying.

Fay (16)

Fay (18)
1. I have been cheated once.
2. My best friend tricked me that she had bought a llama and put it in the cage they have in the garden. I was also deceived another time indeed, when my aunt who was pregnant said she had given birth. but then she had not!

Maren (16)

Maren (16)
1. Yep've been cheated.
2. Yes, when my coaches and a friend set me up with if I wanted to go on an audition for a football movie that advertised for something, haha. And then I was told to call my friend to get more information, but then she told me that it was just nonsense when I called. 

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