четверг, 26 января 2017 г.

Would such a small offense will make about påtaleunnlatelsene mine for the record?

hi, i have 2 years ago been taken flat section, (between a friend of mine when we were both 17) and one year ago I was taken to smoke hashish, both cases ended as waivers of prosecution, but 2 months ago I was taken for shoplifting and wondered if one so little offense will redo påtaleunnlatelsene mine to the record. and if I possibly enters the usa about 20 days, has not been sent anything from the police yet, this means that they drop the case or that it takes a long time to answer sånnt?

It's probably a bit processing with the police, so it may be that it takes some time to get answers.

A waiver may be conditioned, for example, with the condition that the person receiving waiver stays away from new offenses in a trial which is usually two years. If you breach these terms can the police / prosecution criminal proceedings within three months.

How the police are going to consider the matter, it is difficult for me to say with any certainty. If you have violated the terms, it is possible that the police are now going to consider that they must impose punishment. If you get penalties for the three offenses you have committed, I believe that you get a fine.

You should check with the US Embassy if you need to apply for a visa in the normal way before traveling to the United States, or you can search through the ESTA program.

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